In use by several congregations at
65 Kingdom Halls




Equipment needed at the Kingdom Hall

Telephone line

The Kingdom Hall needs a straight forward telephone line with an extension near the sound console. A simple telephone is all that is needed for the sound operator to make the connection to the conference room and talk to the brothers online when required.

Telephone Coupler

This provides the connection between your sound system and the telephone line. There are a number of units available, some commercial products and others manufactured by brothers. Expect to pay between £200 - £300.

Both Carnforth and Bakewell congregations use the TDS1. At Carnforth we have had one for several years and, apart from a lightning strike, we have had no problems. We haven't used any other couplers so cannot compare and there is a newer model available now. See for the latest information.

Brother Steve Lovett of the 7A RBC sound team has significant experience in fitting various types of telephone couplers in Kingdom Halls and is happy to advise or supply equipment. Contact Steve for more information.

Electronic Services of Wolverhampton, run by brother Terry Billau, have considerable experience supplying sound systems and telephone couplers to many Kingdom Halls. Contact Terry on 01902 726846 or email for more information.